What is Dry Needling?

Are you curious about dry needling and its therapeutic benefits? Dry needling, also known as myofascial trigger point needling and intramuscular stimulation, is an invasive yet highly effective technique designed to address trigger points or knots within affected muscles, providing relief from muscle pain and dysfunction.

What is The Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?

What sets dry needling apart from acupuncture? While both treatments involve the use of thin solid filament needles, their purposes differ. In dry needling, the needles are precisely inserted into trigger points or knots within muscles, leading to relaxation of overactive muscles. As the needle is inserted, you may experience a local twitch response—a brief muscular contraction—indicating the release of the muscle knot or trigger point. It's important to note that any discomfort during the procedure, such as a slight twinge of pain caused by tight muscles, quickly dissipates. With regular treatments, the pain diminishes significantly, offering long-lasting relief.

Dry Needling Chiropractor Mandurah, Secret Harbour, Rockingham

If you reside near Mandurah and have been struggling with back or neck pain that conventional massages have failed to alleviate, considering a dry needling chiropractor may be worthwhile. Our skilled dry needling chiropractor can release muscle tension and enhance their responsiveness to other chiropractic treatments, effectively addressing your pain and discomfort.

Don't let persistent muscle pain hold you back. Experience the transformative benefits of dry needling by consulting a reputable dry needling chiropractor near Lakelands, including locations in Secret Harbour and Golden Bay. Say goodbye to muscle knots and hello to a pain-free life.

Demonstrating Dry Needling and the Resulting Twitch Effect

Upper trapezius localized twitch response due to the release of a trigger point using an acupuncture needle